We are pleased to release a new version of the entity edition of OpenEMPI. This release of the entity edition includes many bug fixes, stability enhancements, and performance improvements. Although a number of features have been added, the main focus of our work has been on increasing the stability and performance of the Entity edition of OpenEMPI.
The latest release is available from the new download site at the OpenEMPI Downloads page. Installation instructions and other documentation is available at the documentation page. If you have any questions please visit the forums and to contribute follow the Contribution instructions at the documentation page and send in your bug reports, documentation contributions or new enhancements.
Along with this new release of OpenEMPI we are also pleased to announce the release of OpenXDS 2.0. This is an update of the OpenXDS software with many fixes and improvements including a partial implementation of the XDS Metadata Update specification. This OpenXDS version has been customized to be integrated with OpenEMPI as the EMPI implementation so, no additional configuration or changes are needed to use the two services together. The OpenXDS 2.0 release is intended for use with the OpenEMPI Entity Edition 3.1.0 release. Documentation for this version of OpenXDS is available at this site.
To make it easier for you to evaluate OpenEMPI we have made both an Amazon EC2 Machine Image (AMI: ami-a74f3fcd) and a VirtualBox/VMware image (available from Amazon S3) with the latest version of the Entity edition of OpenEMPI available.
For information on commercial licenses and support for the new edition of OpenEMPI, please contact support@sysnetint.com.