Here is a list of resources that are available to help you get started with OpenEMPI and explore its many features.
At this page you will find the documentation that is currently available for OpenEMPI. There are multiple documentation trees available for various versions of OpenEMPI so choose the one that most closely matches the version of the software you are using.
Community Forum​:
There is a community forum where you can post questions to the community regarding any topic about using the software including how to install and properly configure the software.
Issue Tracking​:
If you have identified an issue with the software, you want to request a new feature, or you want to check on the status of an issue then this is the place to do this.
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Latest News
OpenEMPI 4.3.5 release is now available
We are pleased to announce the release of the 4.3.5 version of OpenEMPI. This release of the entity edition includes new features, bug fixes, technology refresh updates, and a few performance improvements. You can read more about this release in the release notes page...
OpenEMPI 4.3.4 release is now available
We are pleased to announce the release of the 4.3.4 version of OpenEMPI. This release of the entity edition includes new features, bug fixes, technology refresh updates, and a few performance improvements. You can read more about this release in the release notes page...
OpenEMPI 4.3.3 release is now available
We are pleased to announce the release of the 4.3.3 version of OpenEMPI. This release of the entity edition includes new features, bug fixes, technology refresh updates, and a few performance improvements. You can read more about this release in the release notes page...
OpenEMPI 4.3.2 release is now available
We are pleased to announce the release of the 4.3.2 version of OpenEMPI. This release of the entity edition includes many new features, bug fixes, technology refresh updates, and a few performance improvements. You can read more about this release in the release notes...
OpenEMPI 4.3.1 release is now available
We are pleased to announce the release of the 4.3.1 version of OpenEMPI. This release of the entity edition includes a few new features, bug fixes, technology refresh updates, and a few performance improvements. You can read more about this release in the release...
About Us
SYSNET International is a consulting services company, with many years of experience providing a wide variety of services in the Health IT field, that is responsible for the design, implementation, support services and continued development of the OpenEMPI software.
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